Recommendations - Coronavirus COVID-19

COVID-19 & Safe Reopening

Our Recommendations & Guidance

Don't Go to Class if You are Sick - Get Tested!

If you are a student or staff member who is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have had recent contact with someone who is ill or who has tested positive for COVID-19, please let us know by emailing Your information will be kept confidential, but we will use it (anonymously) to notify others in the classes you have attended of a possible exposure. 

Download the CA-Notify App to report illness or potential exposure.

Students missing class due to illness should coordinate with their instructors.

Butte College Face Covering Guidance

Masking is no longer required indoors throughout California.  

Some individuals with personalized needs may continue to wear a mask.  Please respectful of each other, masked or unmasked.

Illness Prevention

Follow best practices for staying healthy, such as:

  • Keep track of where you go and where you've been.  Contact tracers may need this information.

  • Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds scrubbing up to the wrists, between fingers, and under the nails

    • Before and after eating

    • After using the restroom

    • After touching your hair, mouth, nose, eyes, or face

    • After sneezing or coughing

    • Whenever hands look or feel soiled

  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth 

  • Avoiding people who are known to be sick or may be sick

  • Get plenty of rest, hydrate, eat healthy foods, avoid smoking


Current Status


Face masks are no longer required indoors in any Butte College facility.


Butte College approved Administrative Procedure 5900 on March 16, 2022. The District is not mandating student vaccinations. However, we strongly encourage everyone to get the COVID-19 vaccination.


Free coronavirus tests are available to staff at any pharmacy utilizing health insurance.


If you are a student or staff member who is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have had recent contact with someone who is ill or who has tested positive for COVID-19, please let us know by emailing Your information will be kept confidential, but we will use it (anonymously) to notify others in the classes you have attended of a possible exposure. Thank you for keeping everyone safe.

Updated August 21, 2023